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Natalie Bauer

Director of Account Services

Natalie began working at Davis in 2012 and joined the account management team in 2017. She has always been interested in uncovering the mysteries of human behavior, earning a B.A. in Behavioral Neuroscience from Connecticut College before going on to work in research labs at Boston Medical Center and the Oregon Health & Science University. The transition from science to marketing began when she took on a part-time copywriting position for Davis while still working in the lab. She is dedicated to discovering what sets her clients’ businesses apart from their competition, and funnels that passion into the projects she manages and the content she develops for them.

Today, she is an Account Manager and Content Developer, a combination that gives her the ability to form a deep understanding of a client’s brand and to seamlessly manage all aspects of a project. Her goal is always to find the right words, images and artwork to make the people in her client’s target market as excited about their products or services as she is.

At home, Natalie enjoys playing the harp, gardening and staying up far too late at night reading, and when has the opportunity to travel, she loves exploring different natural landscapes and scuba diving. She’s passionate about photography, and as an animal lover, that typically means the subjects of her photos are four-legged, furry or finned.

Some facts about me

  • Most unusual thing in my office
    A Moomintroll figurine
  • Something I collect
    Mugs from traveling – I am most proud of my mug from Borneo
  • What job I wanted as a kid
    Underwater photographer
  • Hidden talent
    Playing the harp, which I started learning as an adult
  • High school yearbook quote
    –let’s then
    despise what is not courage mydarling (for only Nobody knows
    where truth grows why
    birds fly and
    especially who the moon is.-E. E. Cummings

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