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Joshua Pedjoe

Senior Graphic Designer

Josh received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration from the Massachusetts College of Art and has put his skills as an illustrator and graphic artist to work at Davis for more than 15 years as Senior Graphic Designer. He is a skilled typography artist who uses his talents to balance copy and imagery for results that are as impactful and commercially effective as they are visually pleasing. Josh knows that creating designs that evoke the right emotional response requires more than just artistic ability; it requires an innate sense of artistic intuition that is finely tuned for many years’ experience in a variety of industries. Josh has comprehensive knowledge of the entire Adobe Creative Cloud toolset—across all platforms, from print, signage and digital to POS, merchandise and outdoor.

For Josh, it’s all about the team game—whether he’s collaborating at Davis or playing armchair quarterback for his fantasy football team.

Some facts about me

  • My hero
    My Father
  • Something I collect
    Live music recordings
  • What job I wanted as a kid
    Comic book illustrator
  • Favorite movie
    Pulp Fiction
  • Last music I downloaded
    Steve Kimock
    Satellite City

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