The Holiday season can be stressful, especially since your gifting abilities are put to the test. Here is a list of some of the most common ‘gifting personalities’ that we all see during the holiday season. We’ve even created a little video to give you a lazy way out from reading the rest of the blog.
Check it out and leave a comment below and tell us what kind of gifter you are.
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“The Overgifter”
You are that friend/daughter/girlfriend etc who has a gift planned out for EVERYONE. During the holiday season, you already know what you’re getting for everyone the following year. All of your shopping is already done by December 1.
“The Clueless Husband”
You love your wife, but you have no clue what she likes or what she wants for the holidays. Every time you ask her what she wants, she says that she wants “nothing,” which leaves you even more clueless.
“The Selfless Friend”
You are the ideal friend that anyone would love to have. You don’t care about the gift, you just want to be with your friends and spend time with family during the holidays. You have no preference for any gift, yet you’d be so appreciative of anything you received for the holidays.
“The Materialistic Wife”
You don’t mean to burn a hole in your husbands pocket…it just kind of happens. You love your Gucci purses, your diamond rings, and heck, you wouldn’t mind a spa day every now and then. The holidays are that time for you to be showered in everything that you love. You TRY to act modest, but your materialism can’t hide behind all of those jewels, purses, and expectations.
“The Scrooge”
To you, the holiday season is just another way for consumerism to flourish. This is your LEAST favorite time of the year, and you wish it didn’t exist. If we ask you about what you want or what you’d get for someone, just go off about how much you hate the holiday instead.
“The Spoiled Child”
On top of all the toys from Santa you received last year, there are just more and more that Santa missed out on that are now on your list. You’ve been building up this list since last Christmas, and you’re sure to remind your parents every time you’re on your best behavior what those things are.
“The Hinting girlfriend”
This upcoming Christmas eve will be your 3 year anniversary with your boyfriend, and you think this might be the year! You are SO ready to tie the knot, and your boyfriend definitely knows. Now all that needs to happen is for your boyfriend to pop the question. You’re always looking for signs, you’ve gotten really good at hinting, and all you want for Christmas is that proposal.
“The Lazy Brother”
You love receiving, but you’re not much of a giver. You’ll do your duty of getting gifts for your close friends/family, but you won’t give it much thought. Gift cards are your best friend and were probably the best invention for mankind…well at least, for your kind of man.