Earlier this week, I was looking to gather up enough change to buy a stamp, so I could pay the garbage collector, and I came up 12 cents short. This is the only bill that I cannot pay online, and since I didn’t have a stamp left at the house, it was time to head down to the post office. I guess I could have broken a $20, or I could have bought the stamp with my debit card, but neither seemed like the way to go. Instead, I just checked in the couch cushions and under the car seat, and found a quarter rolling around. Voilà! Problem solved by “Found Money”.
- Loyalty programs, such as punch cards or electronic club cards, provide free product with enough consecutive purchases or visits.
- Customer Appreciation events, in which customers are invited to participate in special events or sales, with special savings for loyal customers only.
- Grouped product sales, like the Charter* Bundle or Two for $20(Applebee’s*), provide a greater value based on multiple products bought together at the same time, versus the a la carte sales model.
- Cross promotional sales that capture additional revenue for products that you regularly would not have sold. (e.g., selling Sunday newspapers at your coffee shop drive thru.)