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ADA Compliance for financial institutions.

Websites are constantly changing, virtually living organisms. They need to be nourished by great content, and modified to meet the various demands of all of today’s different web-capable devices. So there’s a lot of web building going on, and plenty of optimization. It reminds me of a line from a particular baseball movie. Something about mowing down a cornfield, and erecting a ballfield…

If you build it, they will sue.

Funny, I don’t remember that being the original quote. However, it seems as though it has become more true in regards to websites than the “If you build it, they will come” mantra that web developers back in the day used to believe. Simply building a site is no longer good enough. Constantly evolving the existing content, and adding new, dynamic content doesn’t cut it anymore. Now, you have to make it accessible to everyone, not just those sitting in front of a PC in a typical office environment, with a keyboard and mouse, waiting to engage with your site.

In no way is this mocking the need for strong ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance on websites; in fact, it is quite the opposite. ADA Compliance is more than just a standard to get in order to avoid penalties; it is imperative to provide your goods and services to everyone. As the internet is now the main way people research brands, services, and products, denying anyone access digitally is equal to building a 2 foot wall in front of your branch’s front door. Sure, the majority of your customers could step over it, but do you want to be “That Bank”?

We will discuss in this paper not only how to quickly assess your website for ADA compliance, but also discuss the additional benefits your website reaps beyond accessibility when programming for ADA. You will learn of a couple of free tools, how to use them, and how to judge your performance. We will show you how to quickly breeze through internal pages of your website, and spot the major faults. Lastly, we will provide some help on how to repair the errors yourself, and discuss options that exist to help keep your site accessible for all.

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